Thermography.. What is it and how can Dental Hygienists grow outside the box of our profession with this amazing Doctor diagnostics tool?
I had the pleasure of interviewing Victoria DaCosta, RDH, IHP, CMT who is definitely an "Outside the Box" thinker within our profession!
Victoria shares with us Dental Hygienists how she was able to move from clinical to non-clinical hygiene by creating an Oral-Systemic Investigative Report Software Program and pairing it with Thermography. Thermography is a tool Dental Hygienists can use with patients, and the information is then sent off to a trained Doctor in reading thermography scans. The information is then sent back to the Dentist and Hygienist where they can treatment plan accordingly and more thoroughly.
Please watch the video below and see just how powerful this diagnostic tool is for us RDHs to help our patients while breaking through the glass ceiling of our profession!
For more information and to connect with Victoria DaCosta, RDH, IHP, CMT, please go to her website by clicking here at TanGram Integrative Health Systems.